Zebra Tales
Jared '22

First Week at Groton

I’m writing this post on Saturday – exactly a week since my arrival to Groton. My time here so far has gone by in a blur. The first day, after checking in and getting tested for the virus, I went straight to my room for self-quarantine.
My roommate arrived a couple of hours later, and we then spent the next two days in our rooms waiting for our tests to come back. On Monday, we had our first classes (virtual since we were still in quarantine) and then orientations for our afternoon activities (by that time my roommate and I had both come back negative from our COVID tests). Tuesday was the first real day of school – we had only twenty-minute classes on Monday – and in the afternoon on Tuesday we had our first off-season sports day (we have fall sports three or four days a week and then off-season sports twice a week). My off-season sport is varsity tennis, of which I am a captain. Tuesday was actually my first day acting as the captain, and it was pretty cool for me to lead and direct the practice. After Tuesday, the rest of the week went pretty smoothly. I alternated between conditioning (my fall sport) and tennis for the following days. Schoolwork hasn’t been too tough yet, giving me a chance to hang out a lot with my friends on the Circle, which I’ve really enjoyed, especially since I hadn’t seen them in so long.