A little bit about MUD WRESTLING

contributions from the whole group
The first two days at Green Camp Bali were PACKED with activities and there is much to say, but THIS post is going to be all about mud wrestling.
Some of you may have seen that mud wrestling was on the docket for our Green Camp experience. You probably wondered WHY?  Well, we learned a bunch about how the different cultures on the various islands in Indonesia use dance and chanting as part of sacred ritual. Mud wrestling is actually an extension of that! Our cultural gurus were patient but rigorous with us as they taught is how to move our bodies and engage with the beat, the music and the earth. We were dressed in traditional clothes and felt honored to be brought into a space that centered community, call and response and a sense of vital energy. What began on the first evening as a drum circle became more of a dance class the following afternoon as the group prepared to go the Green School's mud wrestling pit. The water was refreshing and the sense of competition was definitely in the air as students (and Mr. Madden!) took on our gurus one by one, learning how to do flips and use the dance steps and the drumming to battle each other. It reminded many of us of different martial art forms but this was high on JOY.  Check out some of our videos and you will see what we mean!  More coming about the rest of the Green Camp experience. There is so much to report. The group has built bamboo rafts and raced them, planted mangroves and gone sea kayaking, met Green School students and crafted beautiful canang sari offerings from fruit and banana leaves. We have had NO DOWN TIME! It is very humid here, and definitely buggy down by the river, but spirits are high because look at all the once in a lifetime things we are getting to do!  We will be sad to leave Green Camp later today, but we are already excited to move into the city. The next few days we will take language lessons and visit several local sites including rice terraces, water temples, monkey forests and waterfalls. We miss you all at home and we send you lots of love!

Try these links to see what we have been doing!
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  • Shelly Jerrett
    The updates, photos and videos are incredible and we love seeing and reading them. You are so fortunate to be able to experience this trip, the culture and the traditions. Although you all must be exhausted, it seems as though you’re equally exhilarated! How AMAZING!! We eagerly await the next updates!!
  • Lisa Hicks
    Wow, what an adventure and it hasn’t even been a full week! We know at the end of the day you must be exhausted but these updates make us so happy, thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with all of us at home! We all wait eagerly for them! Soak in every minute! xoxo
  • Shelle Santana
    This trip sounds even more incredible than I imagined! I'm so happy the students are able to share in this special experience together. Thank you for all the support and care you put into crafting a memorable trip!
  • Bryn Zeckhauser
    The Groton Bali trip has seen and done so much — and in less than a week! We all love the amazing descriptions and photos of the drum circle, mud wrestling (the videos!), rice harvesting, bamboo raft building, music performance, and beautiful vegetation at Green Camp. Please keep writing and posting photos and videos. We can’t wait to see the monkeys and hear about the language classes and all that you learn. It looks like the trip of a lifetime. Best, Bryn (Charlottes mom) P.S. Char - is there any chance you could send a message to Dad for his birthday tomorrow?