Dean of Admisson's Blog

Snow at Groton!?

Doesn't this look like a happy scene in Groton in the winter? Unfortunately, it was from years past! We have not seen much snow yet, but we are confident that we will see some soon. Mid-December brings thoughts of a break from schoolwork, the pleasures of the holidays, and—for some readers—the labor of completing applications. Yes, writing responses to questions on applications is work, but we hope that the introspection involved will stimulate some interesting ideas about your life and the world in which we are living. We wish you well with your thinking! While applications are important, I think it is even more important to enjoy your time with friends and family. You can do both! Slow and steady wins the race!

Briefly, here are some reminders that were helpful to many applicants in previous years.
Most of our on-campus interview slots have been taken for the first half of January, but this morning we made slots available for the second half of the month. People who have completed their candidate profile are sent a link to access our online scheduling portal. People who cannot travel to campus and would like to interview via Zoom may request an interview here. We will be reviewing requests as application materials arrive, and we will do our best to fulfill as many requests as possible. Applicants who have not interviewed might also like to provide us with a short video introduction of themselves. We are not looking for a lengthy video with high production values! A selfie-style video in which you introduce yourself and your interests would be ideal. You can access the video introduction information by clicking here.

We require every applicant to submit a graded writing sample. Non-fiction papers written during the current school year are preferred. Papers should be written in English.

The submission of standardized test results is a required piece of the application to Groton. We will accept the results of tests taken as late as the end of January. Most applicants take the SSAT or the ISEE. 11th grade applicants may submit PSAT, SAT, or ACT results as well. The "late" registration deadline for the January SSAT (the most commonly taken test) is December 17. You can register for the test by clicking here. Applicants who are living in a part of the world where it is difficult to take a standardized test should let us know by emailing

The application is due on January 15. The Gateway to Prep Schools application system can be clogged at the deadline, so we recommend submitting a day or two early if possible. This piece of information deserves emphasis: January 15 is the deadline to submit an application.

Lastly, we will be live streaming a performance of Nine Lessons and Carols on December 14 at 7:00 p.m. ET. This Christmas service is Groton at its most traditional. It is also a great opportunity to hear Groton musicians perform! To view the Lessons and Carols service, please click here. 

We hope you enjoy the final days of school as a much-deserved break approaches. Thank you for the interest that you have shown in Groton in 2023. 2024 is just around the corner! 

Happy Holidays! 

Ian Gracey,
Dean of Admissions
Groton School