Another Triumph by Groton Debaters

Groton’s debaters dominated at the Belmont Hill School Invitational Debate Tournament on April 9, bringing home a number of well-earned accolades.
Up for debate was whether the federal government should guarantee all citizens a basic income. Both novices and more advanced debaters impressed the judges. In the advanced division, Michael Xiao ’18 placed first among individual speakers arguing in favor of the resolution; fourteen debaters competed for that distinction, including Michael’s brother, Kevin Xiao ’18, who placed second.
It was no surprise when the Xiao brothers placed first among two-person teams arguing for the affirmative. Placing second among two-person teams arguing against the resolution were Lauren Kochis ’17 and Zizi Kendall ’17. Putting together all that firepower, Michael, Kevin, Lauren, and Zizi took first place among the four-person teams in the advanced division.
In the novice division, Phoebe Shi ’19 placed first among individuals arguing for the affirmative. Taking first place among four-person teams were Phoebe, Julia Kendall ’19, Charles Wahba ’20, and Brooks Anderson’20. Among ten two-person teams, Phoebe and Julia placed second on the affirmative side. Arguing for the negative position, Charles and Brooks placed second, topping eight competitors.
Students had prepared in advance to tackle the resolution, which read: “This house resolves to implement a universal basic income in the United States, in which all non-incarcerated citizens aged 18 and over will receive $13,000 per year (in monthly installments of $1,083) and $3,000 of that will specifically be delegated to health insurance premiums. All federal welfare and entitlement programs, with the exception of SSI (disability) and VA (veterans affairs) benefits, will be eliminated.”
The debaters are coached by Classics teacher Andy Reyes, World Languages Department Head Rebecca Stanton, and Michael Gnozzio ’03, a former Debating Society president who will teach math at Groton next year.  
Congratulations to all of Groton’s impressive debaters and to the coaches who help them train.