The Christopher Brodigan Gallery Archive

"LightWeight" by Kledia Spiro

Video, sound art, performance, and sculpture
Through February 16, 2018
LightWeight, a multimedia and multisensory exhibit, questions what weighs us down or lifts us up. Part of the exhibit is a video, “Learning How to Draw,” that Kledia Spiro created with Groton students using a technique called “bar path analysis.” Students studied Ms. Spiro’s form on an Olympic-style weightlifting move, then tried their own; as they stepped onto a platform, a white line tracked their movement with the barbell. Athletes use bar path analysis to perfect their form; Ms. Spiro uses it to show how unique and perfect each student’s drawing is, just like each student’s story. The exhibit also includes a recording of students stating what weighs them down: “expectations . . . pressure . . . family . . . vulnerability.” In a campus performance, Ms. Spiro sat atop a barbell with chairs on each end as Andrew Lei ’19 improvised an interpretive piece on cello in reaction to the students’ lamentations.