List Detail

"Fish Tales" by Mary Jo McConnell

April 2–May 25, 2012   
Artist's reception:  April 15, 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

Over a time span of 20 years, this is the third show in the Christopher Brodigan Gallery for Marblehead artist Mary Jo McConnell. Mary Jo has always looked to nature for her inspiration—to birds, plant life, insects, and now fish. Her approach to painting fish has grown out of a fascination with Vermeer and the ways he used light to capture his subjects. For Mary Jo, fish provided an excellent subject for exploring the various qualities of light: how light is reflected reveals form and creates mood. Opportunities for using fish to explore light came to her in myriad forms, from the iridescence of sardines in a can to the Marblehead town dock. She describes her freezer as filled with “finds,” miscellaneous parts discarded by local fishermen or leftovers from the local bait shop. This show reminds us that sustained, close-up observation of the natural world reveals incomparable gifts of beauty.

The Brodigan Gallery, outside the Dining Hall, is open 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.