A Springtime Surprise

On Tuesday morning, four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles greeted students as they exited Chapel.

Clad in green and tossing wisps of green powder, the four masked visitors were Groton’s senior prefects, announcing the spring Surprise Holiday, a much anticipated day off from classes.
At Groton, green means “Surprise!” Groton headmasters have long announced the holiday by wearing a green jacket, and today was no exception as Headmaster Maqubela upheld the longstanding tradition and wore the jacket at Roll Call, immediately after Chapel.
On each term's Surprise Holiday, students hop on buses to Cambridge, Boston, or a nearby movie and mall, or simply decide to hang around campus and relax.
For this special day, a surprise bonus was the warm spring weather, allowing students to enjoy the outdoors, whether in Harvard Square, on the Boston Common, or on Groton’s grassy Circle.