Jed '20

Are We in Vegas?

An annual Groton tradition, Casino Night, is a great laid-back way to spend a Saturday night. After students wait in line to get their starting loan of poker chips, we take to the Texas Hold ’em, blackjack, and roulette tables all around the ground level in the Forum. Of course, there aren’t enough spots for everyone to play at once, so groups of us loiter around the games of our choice, waiting for the table to turn over so we can bet heavily and not win any hands. I joke, but it can be hard to keep up with our well-equipped classmates, who have aggregated massive amounts of chips from other students who did not want to play.
So, in my case this year, I at first bet solid amounts of chips on hands that I thought were decent enough to win chips, at least at our level of casual play. Unfortunately, at our poker table, I assumed that many were bluffing, but as it turns out they were surely not. My low pair with a king high card paled in comparison to another guy’s straight, and he won the hand. It was too late, and I soon found myself not able to keep up with initial bets to even see the first three cards!

However, last year was different. I folded my cards frequently, bet conservatively, and ended up winning a prize! The Casino Night prize system is not ranked; the 15 or so players who cash in with the highest value of chips are able to choose from a great list of prizes, which mostly consisted of free food provided by teachers. Last year, I made what I assume to be one of the lower spots for a prize, and I got free pizza courtesy of Ms. Rennard, an English teacher.

It’s an event that doesn’t disappoint, and I still enjoyed every minute of it, even as I watched my small fortune of chips vanish before my eyes this year.