News Detail - Zebra Tales

Life of Pi

This past Sunday, I loaded onto a school bus with 20 other students and faculty to drive into Cambridge. We were headed to the American Repertory Theater to see the play Life of Pi. All we had to do was be vaccinated and sign up to go.
It was incredible. For one, I had never seen a cooler set. I don’t think there’s a stage in Alaska that can open up to reveal a boat or one that an actor could fall through (on purpose.) The animal puppetry was incredible as well. The last time I had encountered Life of Pi was when I watched the film on the back of an airplane seat after traveling for hours making my way back from Groton. To see it live, as a play, well-rested and with friends, was an entirely different experience.

All in all, it was an incredible production and a great Sunday night venture off-campus. I’m so glad I got to see it before it heads to Broadway!