Zebra Tales
Jamie '26

Meetup 4000 Miles from Home

You never know where you might find friends through happy coincidences.
During a family vacation, I planned to relax, spend time with my parents and siblings, and (begrudgingly) do my summer reading, until I found out that my roommate, Will ‘26, happened to be staying not only in the same town, but even within 2 miles of where we were. I immediately reached out, and after some negotiating of schedules, we set a time and place.

Post getting lost on the (supposedly) 10 minute drive (actually around 25 minutes), I arrived at the agreed upon location. After the required pleasantries, we almost immediately went to the tennis court. He proceeded to get completely and utterly destroyed in the set, 7 - 6. Not even close. After a brief hiatus for lunch, we took a dip in the pool, played volleyball, and discussed the year to come.

I’m looking forward to the year ahead with Will as my roommate again.